COBA‘s new strategic plan will guide the organization’s growth over the next three to five years.
At a strategic planning session in September, 2024, the Board of Directors of the Coalition of Oklahoma Breastfeeding Advocates unanimously voted to adopt a new set of goals and tactics to align COBA’s focus and priorities with our mission and current capacity.
COBA will focus on networking with current partners as well as building alliances with new partners who share our mission, gathering data on our impact and work to expand our reach to all areas of the state, improving our legislative outreach, providing resources and education for lactation care providers, and continuing our promotion of public awareness, and advocacy for breastfeeding families across the state of Oklahoma. The goals for the coming years are as follows:
GOAL ONE: Breastfeeding Promotion, Protection, & Support
COBA will increase promotion and reach of current breastfeeding friendly designation programs.
GOAL TWO: Partnerships
COBA will create new alliances with partners who share in our mission, expand contact and work with current partners, increase legislative alliances, and create annual data-driven reports.
GOAL THREE: Organizational Stability
COBA will focus on improving our financial stability and becoming a data-driven organization.