Oklahoma Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Designation Program
COBA is pleased to introduce the Oklahoma Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Designation Program. With many Oklahomans returning to work or school after birth, quality child care that supports breastfeeding is of utmost importance. Being a recognized Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care site shows parents and your community that your program follows national breastfeeding and infant feeding standards. It lets everyone know that you are committed to helping families give their children the best nutritional start they can – with breast milk! To become a designated Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Program check out the information below and access the Toolkit and commitment form.
Why become designated?
- Free Marketing. Designated child care centers and family child care homes are promoted on the COBA and Oklahoma Department of Health Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite webpages. Awarded child care programs will also receive a certificate to display.
- Meet Families’ Needs. More than 80% of mothers in Oklahoma start breastfeeding, which means that families are looking for child care programs who support breastfeeding.
- Reduced Absences. Children who are breastfed are sick less, which means more consistent attendance at your child care program and fewer missed work days for parents.
- Cost Savings. For child care programs participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), when a mother breastfeeds her child on-site or a child is fed expressed breast milk at a child care center or family child care home, that equals one reimbursable meal that can be claimed.
- Breastmilk is Milk: Children can continue to receive breastmilk along with complementary foods through at least the first year of life and longer if desired.
- Employee Retention. When breastfeeding is supported by both the employer and the child care provider, parents are more likely to return to work and remain in the workforce. This means continued enrollment for child care programs.
- Health Benefits for Moms, Children, and the Community. Mothers who breastfeed are less likely to have breast and ovarian cancer, type II diabetes, and postpartum depression. Breastfed children are less likely to be obese, have type II diabetes, asthma, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Learn more about the benefits of breastfeeding here.
Application information
Apply at Any Time. Applications are accepted at any time and reviewed bimonthly.
Easy Online Application. See the Toolkit for details and complete the Commitment Form below.
Free. There are no fees for applying or maintaining the designation.
No Site Visits. Child care programs’ applications are reviewed by the Coalition of Oklahoma Breastfeeding Advocates Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Review Committee based on answers and documentation submitted with their application.
Awarded for Three Years. The designation is conferred for a three (3) year period. After the 3 years period, child care programs must reapply to continue to be designated.
Commitment Form
Oklahoma Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Site Commitment Form